Originally Posted By: the G-man

Differentiating-- attacking-- on the basis of race...I think that counts as racism.

I think I've said it here at least one before that I think the spiel that we are all the same is rather bullshit. There are obviously differences between the races. I don't think it's "racist' to think otherwise.

It's when you play on those differences to say that one group is somehow superior and the other, inferior to another based on those differences that you start veering into racism.

"...where white folks' greed runs a world in need..." actually is quite catchy and indicative of the type of rhyming oratory that I don't particularly like myself, but is popular in some black churches. To be quite honest, it reminded me of Midnight Oil's "The Dead Heart"...

We don't serve your country
Don't serve your king
Know your custom don't speak your tongue
White man came took everyone

We don't serve your country
Don't serve your king
White man listen to the songs we sing
White man came took everything

We carry in our hearts the true country
And that cannot be stolen
We follow in the steps of our ancestry
And that cannot be broken

We don't need protection
Don't need your land
Keep your promise on where we stand
We will listen we'll understand

Mining companies, pastoral companies
Uranium companies
Collected companies
Got more right than people
Got more say than people

Forty thousand years can make a difference to the state of things
The dead heart lives here

Now is it OK for this guy to sing that because he's a 7 foot tall white singer/politician and not a black Reverend?