Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
midnight oil is running for president? i dont think that's allowed, theyre australian. whomod you really need to fact check.

As I mentioned the other day, when whomod knows he's losing an argument, he falls back on the defense that "someone else did it too."

I guess whomod thinks two wrongs DO make a right.

No. I asked a question. Is that considered a racist song? It goes back to the point that you seem to think Wrights similarly worded phrase is racist.

BTW, is it too obvious to point out that the media and the public, save for you guys and the right wing media you follow, have moved on from this story and were sufficiently swayed by Obama's speech. The only people still not satisfied I don't think wil EVER be satisfied nor would they EVER have voted for Obama regardless of Wright anyways.