Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: whomod
the larger point still stands though. The main 'legitimate' attack on Obama is based on what someone else, not Obama has said as they pore over his sermons and writings with a fine tooth comb hoping to find outrage to hurt Obama.

This is a far cry from Hillary where all you need is to juxtapose footage of her campaign speeches, which she herself said with file footage of what actually transpired.

Is Obama claiming that he was conceived because of the Selma, AL march but finding out later that he was born three years before not the same as Hillary? How about the fact that he denied telling Canada that his NAFTA talk was just political bullshit to get Ohio votes, but later the memo of the meeting with his campaign to the Canadian diplomat in Chicago said just that not the same either?

The Selma story though was not him using it to show that it qualifies him and makes him ready to be commander in chief or even President. It was just some clumsy and frankly stupid anecdote he made up. The Ireland story and the Bosnia story however, were intended precisely to somehow show that she's qualified and has the experience to lead "on day 1".

Obama said later that he meant to credit the entire civil rights movement with his parents' union, not just the Bloody Sunday marchers. So while he clearly wasn't conceived because of Selma, the larger point of an interracial union being made possible by the civil rights movement and all the advancements towards interracial unions being less "taboo", certainly still stands.

This again however has absolutely ZERO to do with why he's qualified to be ready on day 1. It's just an attempt to tie his story to Selma and try to connect with voters there.

And I think the media understood that. Basically it was a case of pandering to a particular group of people in Selma and trying to tie himself with them. Just like the media understand that Hillary's lies directly relate to her claims of having commander in chief credentials, which she does not.

The Canada thing you said yourself that BOTH camps deny and BOTH camps have been accused of. And regardless, it's not as if Obama didn't already pay a price for that rumour. A price that Hillary didn't pay BTW.