Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Whomod if it was really over, you & other Obama supporters wouldn't be so busy these days trying to push Hillary out. If Obama believed that he wouldn't have gone super negative the last couple of weeks. The "winner" is still probably going to lose the next big state. It's a funny thing how Obama momentum works. It kinda stops when it gets to a big state.

Saying that Hillary is better qualified to take on John McCain because of her performance in those states only makes sense...

I wasn't aware that was what I was saying. I thought I was commenting on Obama's momentum that gets hyped alot but seems to start & stop. Perhaps we define momentum differently?

No, you were using Hillary's talking point that she can win the big pivotal states. I showed you just why that is sort of a BS argument.