Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: whomod

So, to recap:

whomod says that lying is wrong....unless it's just to pander to the voters...cuz everyone does that...except when it's pandering to voters about your experience...in which case it's wrong....unless someone else lied too...then lying's okay again.

I don't like pandering either. And it did make Obama look stupid. And then that was that. The media and everyone else moved on. Done deal. My point wasn't that it wasn't wrong to say that. My point is that his statements didn't imply qualifications for the job of President or frankly didn't imply anything but to try to credit the town he was speaking at and the historical events there with his birth. To give the people hearing his speech there that day the warm fuzzies or something I guess.

The media isn't dwelling on it because they already gave it the airtime it deserved given the ....um... severity and relevance of the dishonesty?

No one is saying Obama never lied or pandered or is some saint. The point is that he's not lying on why he's qualified to be President with tall tales about battle action and treaty negotiations.

Last edited by whomod; 2008-03-29 6:09 AM.