Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
 Originally Posted By: Barack Hussein Obama
The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity. But she is a typical white person. If she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know. . .there's a reaction in her that doesn't go away and it comes out in the wrong way.

we all look alike anyways.

Kudos to Fox’s Chris Wallace for taking Fox And Friends ‘To Task’ For ‘Two Hours Of Obama Bashing’

On Fox and Friends this morning, hosts Steve Doocy, Brian Kilmeade, and Gretchen Carlson spent multiple segments sensationalizing a comment Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) made yesterday, in which he referred to his grandmother as “a typical white person” in some of her racial reactions. Obama made the comment while discussing his recent speech on race relations in America on a Philadelphia radio show.

When the trio welcomed Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace onto the show, instead of previewing his show this weekend, Wallace announced that he was going to take his fellow Fox hosts “to task” for their “excessive” and “somewhat distorting” coverage of what Obama said:

Hey listen, I love you guys but I want to take you to task if I may, respectfully, for a moment. I have been watching the show since 6:00 this morning when I got up, and it seems to me that two hours of Obama bashing on this typical white person remark is somewhat excessive and frankly I think you’re somewhat distorting what Obama had to say.

Wallace — who said that the issue “was a little more complicated than we’ve been portraying” — went on to chastise his very uncomfortable-looking colleagues for the next five minutes. Watch it:

Trying to defend their coverage, Carlson said they played up Obama’s comment because she “felt that maybe the attention was being taken away from what people really wanted to hear Barack Obama speak about, which was his association and what he thought about the comments by his minister Jeremiah Wright.”

Noting Obama’s speeches this week on the economy and the war in Iraq, Wallace replied that “maybe it’s the media doing” the deflecting:

Far be it for me to be a spokesman for the Obama campaign, and I will tell you that they would laugh at that characterization, but you know, the fact is that after giving a speech on race earlier this week, on Tuesday, he gave a major speech on Iraq on Wednesday and a major speech on the economy yesterday. And so, I think they would say that in terms of deflecting attention away from the issues people really want to hear about, maybe it’s the media doing it, not Barack Obama.

“I appreciate you respecting us enough to say it on camera as opposed to writing an email,” said Kilmeade after hearing Wallace’s criticism.

So again, kudos for Wallace doing the right thing there. I do take exception for that type of reporting that FOX does and i'm glad to see Wallace speaking against it. it does lend a bit of respectability to himself.

And on a day that saw not only the news cycle move over to the passport story as well s the Richardson endorsement for Obama, I'm wondering if Wallace also doesn't see the handwriting on the wall and realizes that an Obama presidency with a continued Obama boycotts of FOX news because of that type of reporting would only further hurt and marginalize their network.

That' just speculation on my part as to motive but regardless of what motivated him, whether professional maneuvering or genuine desire for fairness, I'm glad he did that.

Also in fairness, Kilmeade had earlier also tried to add some context to the quote wbut was quickly knocked down by his two chortling co-hosts who wanted nothing more than to further distort the comment and add another day of spectacle to Obama and the race issue. Brian Kilmeade “argued that the remark needed to be taken in context and eventually got so fed up with his co-hosts that he walked off set.”

It looks like civil war up there.