G-man I remember both the Clintons campaigning on the family leave issue. Plus...

But former Rep. Pat Schroeder, a strong proponent of the legislation, remembers Hillary Clinton as a "huge" advocate for the proposal during her time as Arkansas first lady and during the 1992 presidential campaign. Once the Clintons were in the White House, Schroeder said, "it was just putting a bow around it at that point. Certainly she had worked very hard the past five years to get it there."
In the final days before the 1993 bill won congressional approval, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, and President Clinton all went to Capitol Hill for last-minute lobbying, according to news stories from the time.

Now in the Senate, Clinton joined Dodd in sponsoring legislation that was enacted this year to expand benefits provided under the family leave law by allowing the families of wounded military personnel to take up to six months of unpaid leave to care for loved ones. As a presidential candidate, she has called for extending unpaid family leave to an additional 13 million workers and spending $1 billion a year on paid leave programs.

Associated Press

Fair play!