Results are coming in from the Texas County Conventions.

The next step of the delegate selection is underway in Texas today. Burnt Orange Report is monitoring the results from the Democratic County Conventions in Texas today -- and doing their usual stellar work.

That crew is going to turn Texas blue.

The Associated Press reports that there is, of course, Clinton generated controversy. The Clinton campaign's supporters (not the Clinton campaign, wink, wink ;\) ) are challenging delegates. No worries, Terry McAuliffe is on the scene in Texas to make sure it's all under control:

Many of the challenges were brought by Clinton supporters questioning the validity of Obama delegates. The Clinton campaign said it wouldn't lodge any challenges itself but that it was helping supporters who would.

Obama was also lodging challenges in some counties regarding the complext formulas used to determine delegate counts, said campaign spokesman Josh Earnest.

"This math gets pretty complicated pretty quickly," he said.

But Earnest said that unlike the Clinton campaign, the Obama campaign wasn't challenging the seating of particular delegates.

"They're engaged in a coordinated strategy to challenge our delegates and we're not," he said. "It's disappointing to see the Clinton campaign throw up these obstacles."

Clinton adviser Terry McAuliffe said Saturday as he drove between Democratic conventions in Georgetown and Waco to rev up Clinton supporters that the Clinton campaign has "not raised any of the challenges. A lot of our supporters have."

The Clinton campaign had previously said it was aiding supporters with legal advice and guidance on their challenges, state party officials said earlier this week. So the campaign is taking a behind-the-scenes approach, using its delegate supporters as the complaint filers, they said.

How clever. We're not doing it, our supporters, who we trained, are doing it. That's should/can I say this...that's so Clintonian.

TIMESTAMP - 12:00AM, 3/30/07

Clinton Delegates: 2,436

Obama Delegates: 3,107

TOTAL (of 7,649): 5,543

Conventions Reporting (of 284): 133

PERCENT: 46.13%

Clinton: 43.95%

Obama: 56.05%

Total: 72.31%