Originally Posted By: the G-man

So, to recap, she seems to be trying to have it both ways: using the "popular vote" argument now even though she'll probably have to abandon it to win the nomination.

But, you're right, I was insufficiently detailed in my earlier comment. Sorry about that.

And, MEM, you're right. Obama needs the superdelegates too. At this point, however, the popular vote argument favors him.

In the end, both candidates would be better off making a pitch to the superdelegates based less on mathmatics and more on the simple of question of "who do you think will best represent the party in November". Because, in the end, that's the point of the nominating process.

The popular vote favors him now but there is still a chance she closes that gap. I think she has to show something mathmatically to win or it won't fly at the convention though. Either way it's still to early to say who will have the popular vote by June. Predictions & what seems inevitable hasn't been dependable in this race.

However I'm sure both will be making whatever arguement they can to get superdelegates to support them at the end of the day.

Fair play!