Originally Posted By: Pariah

First of all: I'm not ashamed of being white. I hate the Irish.

Can you elaborate on that?

Maybe what you mean is you hate aspects of Irish culture ?

I can relate to that. I hate the way the Irish talk. If you read any Claremont-scripted stories with Irish characters, that captures perfectly what I don't like about Irish speech mannerisms and phrases. Annoying and trite. It's a bit too informal and folksy for me, and often difficult to understand. I met a beautiful girl from Ireland once, and made a great effort to meet her. But after talking to her for 5 minutes... no way in hell!

I think the Irish are hardworking and very family-oriented, and have many other positive aspects (in the U.S., I like that they endured and achieved so much, and despite that when they arrived in the 1850's they were arguably just as hated as blacks, after several decades became quintessentially American). And I have an Irish branch of my family, but I've always identified more with the English, Scottish and German parts of my heritage, because I like their culture and customs more.

Maybe you feel similarly.