TX Presidential County Convention Results

TIMESTAMP - 12:10AM, 3/31/08

Clinton Delegates: 2,991

Obama Delegates: 3,740

TOTAL (of 7,666): 6,731

Conventions Reporting (of 284): 169

10:25pm by Phillip - We updated one "state Superdelegate" for Obama. Other than that, I wanted to let everyone know that prelimiary (not final) reports from Collin County are that Obama won 117 delegates to 63. We'll wait up for final go, but if that's accurate (or anywhere close), as large a win as that is for Obama, it only increases his % lead by three-tenths, only then with 90% reporting. In other words -- even with those Collin County numbers -- what you see above is going to be pretty darn close to the final split, give or take a few tenths of a percentage point.