The Clinton campaign has earned the rep "as something of a deadbeat" According to the latest FEC filings, the Clinton campaign reported debts of $8.7 million. That report also revealed the Clinton campaign finished February in the red. All of this may explain why efforts to get some of those debts paid isn't easy:

Cash-strapped Clinton fails to pay bills

Hillary Rodham Clinton’s cash-strapped presidential campaign has been putting off paying hundreds of bills for months — freeing up cash for critical media buys but also earning the campaign a reputation as something of a deadbeat in some small-business circles.

A pair of Ohio companies owed more than $25,000 by Clinton for staging events for her campaign are warning others in the tight-knit event production community — and anyone else who will listen — to get their cash upfront when doing business with her. Her campaign, say representatives of the two companies, has stopped returning phone calls and e-mails seeking payment of outstanding invoices. One even got no response from a certified letter.

Their cautionary tales, combined with published reports about similar difficulties faced by a New Hampshire landlord, an Iowa office cleaner and a New York caterer, highlight a less-obvious impact of Clinton’s inability to keep up with the staggering fundraising pace set by her opponent for the Democratic presidential nomination, Illinois Sen. Barack Obama.

Clinton's campaign did not respond to recent, specific questions about its transactions with vendors. But Clinton spokesman Jay Carson pointed on Saturday to an earlier statement the campaign issued to Politico, asserting: "The campaign pays its bills regularly and in the normal course of business, and pays all of its bills."

Well, seeing as how she's financing her campaign, there really isn't much difference between her and Bush then. She's putting off paying the bills until later.

There's a big difference between saying you're paying the bills and actually paying them.

And, while Team Clinton may not understand this, $25,000 is a lot of money for a small business. So is $2500 or $250 for that matter.

Maybe she can get a fresh cash infusion from those fatcat donors who tried to extort Pelosi the other day. Or are they all tapped out already? Me, I'm going to donate to Obama, as did the New Hampshire landlord with Hillary's own check.

.. and millions of others as well.