Originally Posted By: the G-man
With all due respect, since whomod's an unabashed liberal, why shouldn't he love Obama for an ultraliberal voting record and anti-Americanism?

I've never seen whomod try to hide what he is or what Obama is (at least in terms of their leftist views).

Well, obviously Whomod is a liberal and doesn't have a problem with these things.

But it doesn't seem to bother Whomod that Obama is trying to hide his quantifiable liberalism behind deceitful moderate-sounding rhetoric.

It doesn't bother Whomod that Obama received donations and, by the sweetheart deal on his home alone, in a joint real-estate purchase with Tony Rezko's wife for $300,000 below market value, that he clearly was very friendly with the indicted slumlord, and collaboratively traded a few favors.

It doesn't bother Whomod that Obama lies about his islamic loyalties, and could be an islamic Manchurian Candidate.

It doesn't bother Whomod that Obama evades questions about his voting record, in order to appear more moderate to American voters, and thus pull the wool over their eyes and get Obama elected as a moderate, something he clearly isn't.

Any deceit is tolerable to Whomod, if it gets Obama elected.

Allowing Whomod to gloat endlessly about a minor shift of delegates in Texas, that far from decides the election.