Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
thats not my point, my point is the cartoon is written for it's audience.

as rob says, you gotta be a little off yer rocker if you think you should enjoy it.

as great as he-man, transformers and gi joe were, the parents of our day thought they were dumbed down...

I was, in fact, an 'adult' when He-man, GI Joe and Transformers were on the air. But my little brother watched all those shows and, as a result, I had some exposure to all three. Of the ones you listed, I thought GI Joe was actually pretty good. If I was home when it came on I'd actually watch "Joe" with my brother.

It obviously wasn't BTAS good, but definitely better than the other kids' cartoons of the time and worlds ahead of this modern Transformers.