Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
She still actually had more people vote for her though Whomod.

Uh huh....


This matters, why exactly?

Is Hillary going to get all Obama's delegates then?

Or is it you yet again spinning another Hillary loss as if it's somehow really good for her?

So now we see that Hillary did not win Texas. That puts a little hole in her big state argument. Does this mean that she has won 1 state since Feb. 5th? How many has Obama won, huh? Oh yeah, 16! And she is still in this race because??? Hard to argue you will be good on the economy when you suck at math and can't manage your own campaign finances. Hard to argue that you'll be good on health care when you don't even pay the health care bills for your employees. Hard to argue you'll be a good Commander in Chief when you think it is OK to lie about being under sniper fire.

We have seen the polls break for Obama in the last week or so including states won by Clinton (California and New Jersey), where Obama now does better against McCain than Clinton. The same is true in Michigan. The Gallup poll I posted yesterday shows Dems believe by a whopping 59-30 margin that Obama is the strongest candidate (the margin is even greater among Republicans).

Today, the latest polling from Pennsylvania is out showing Obama has reduced Clinton's lead of 15-20 points of just a few weeks ago to a mere 5 points.


By May 6th, there will be of the 566 remaining pledged delegates, 349 of them will be allocated between three states, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Indiana and then also Guam has got four in there. They‘re on May 4th, sort of wedged in between Pennsylvania and that May 6th primary date.

At that point, when there are only going to be 217 delegates left to be divvied up after May 6th, at that point, if Obama is still sitting on this same delegate lead - which frankly, it‘s very possible. The way Pennsylvania allocates delegates, his areas of strength in Philadelphia, he should over perform his actual vote total number. North Carolina is also a state he could do well in.

If the numbers basically remain unchanged as far as the margin, about 150 to 160 in pledge, 120, 125 when you throw in the supers, then he can be the magnanimous one. I believe this is the Karl Rove idea. I think he wrote an article over the weekend suggesting this, that maybe Obama be magnanimous and say, here you go, Senator Clinton, take all the delegates you want out of Florida and Michigan you claim you‘ve won. You still won‘t be ahead.

Add in the popular vote and you still won‘t be ahead. Then all of a sudden it actually hurts her overall argument that this race can still go on because if he can sit here and say take these extra delegates that you‘re claiming that we thought were in dispute and take that vote, and you‘re still not ahead.

And then MEM, you'll have to concede that it's in fact OVER! And were it anyone but the Clinton's, I think the media would have been screaming this from the rooftops a long long time ago. you can't continually lose and be in 2nd place for months on end and still claim to be competitive. Where is John Edwards? Eh? Mitt Romney? etc. etc. What about the will of the voters?????!!!!! How can you deny them being able to vote for Fred Thomson???!!!!!!!! That's NOT Democracy!!!!!!!!!!!!!