Obama was pointing out Clinton's hypocrisy in saying he's not qualified to lead on Day 1 but at the same time saying he'd be a great VP candidate, which in fact puts him a heartbeat away from the Presidency. It's speaking out of both sides of your mouth. And as G-Man said, it's trying to deceptively minimize his front runner status by having the person trailing in every sense of the word, offering a subordinate role, to quote G-Man, to the front runner.

Typically, the person in second place is in no position to offer a subordinate role to the person in first place.

More likely, as many commentators noted, Hillary's "offer" was simply an attempt to obscure Obama's frontrunner status.

I don't see why Obama is incapable of changing his mind either. but as I posted in a recent poll, it's not exactly what the Democratic base wants. It simply underscores that Obama is a more likeable and unifying force than Hillary Clinton is.