Originally Posted By: the G-man

Clinton spokesman Howard Wolfson denied that charge.

“To our knowledge, Senator Obama has never paid for sex,” Wolfson said. “Obviously, we can’t know who the source for this information is at this point. However, you have my assurances that neither I nor Senator Clinton took it upon us to send this information to the press.”

It's funny how this was phrased almost exactly like Hillary's “I-have-no-reason-to-believe-he-is-a-Muslim” (wink wink) response on 60 Minutes. Plus Wolfson only exonerates himself and Hilary Clinton from circulating this rumour. As if only the two of them are the entirety of the Clinton campaign. Well, see how far back this comes to Hillary's doorstep. Much like a lot of the rest of this 'destroy at all costs' garbage that's been percolating these past months in the media.

It must kill Hillary to try so hard to smear someone and only to meet a teflon candidate.