Originally Posted By: the G-man
MEM, what about the so-called "Limbaugh effect"? Couldn't part of Hillary's support in some of the key states be attributable to nothing but Dittoheads voting for her in an effort to create, as Rush puts it, "chaos" within the party?

For example, she barely eked out a popular vote victory in Texas (losing the state overall) and there were reports that her slight margin of victory there was a result of Limbaugh's listeners crossing party lines to vote for her, precisely so she would drag this thing out.

If that is, in fact, the case doesn't that call into question her entire argument in this particular area of debate?

Didn't she win Texas by 4 or 5 percentage points? If you feel that's close you should reallize there is an even much slimmer margin between her & Obama nationally. (about 1 percent) So Obama is just eke-ing out a lead?

Rush didn't jump in till the Texas caucus. Who knows how much of an effect that actually had. Whomod floated some numbers but I don't know how anyone would know who is & isn't a Republican at a caucus. Anyway, Obama had been caught in his NAFTA lie at that point & that was certainly hurting him in Ohio. Even though NAFTA isn't much of a factor in Texas it may have hurt him to be caught being a liar.

Either way, Hillary demonstrated she could beat Obama in all the previous big states ('cept his home state) without any help from the gop. At that point Obama was getting the crossover vote. (inspired republicans so I'm told)

Fair play!