Y'know MEM, i'm almost convinced. Yeah, Hillary should stay in this race a bit longer. It seems the longer she stays, the more she damages her credibility and stature while elevating Obama in kind.

Another Clinton superdelegate, New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine, talks about switching his vote. All that talk from the Clinton campaign about superdelegates having the right to vote for whomever they want is catching on, but not the way the Clinton campaign wants according to this report on First Read:

Per NBC’s Tom Winter, Gov. Jon Corzine, a Clinton superdelegate, just said on CNBC's Squawk Box that he reserves the right to change his vote from Hillary Clinton if she doesn't have the popular vote. He stopped short of saying that he definitely would change his vote if she lost the popular vote and he did strongly emphasize that Sen. Clinton would win the popular vote in the end.

Sen. Maria Cantwell, another Clinton super, has said similar things regarding the popular vote.

Cantwell made her statement late last month:

“If we have a candidate who has the most delegates and the most states,” the Democratic party should come together around that candidate, Cantwell said. The pledged delegate count will be the most important factor, she said, because that is the basis of the nominating process.

Jed also has a 3: AM video up that skewers Hillary's cash troubles...

Also there is a bit of an outrage right now as reports from Gov. Richardson are saying that Hillary told him that "Obama Can't Win". that seems to be her message to the superdelegates. And seeing as how she's the one behind in every sense of the word, it's creating something of a backlash for her. Good.

I wish I could draw well enough to create an editorial cartoon showing Hillary as a 5-year-old child saying "He's going to lose," over and over again, in a sing-song kind of voice. Because that's how she's behaving.