New York Post:

  • First she "misspoke," now she misheard.

    Hillary Rodham Clinton yesterday seemed to deny that she told New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson that Barack Obama could not win the presidency.

    But her campaign later said she misheard a reporter's question.

    Asked at a press conference whether she made the comment to Richardson, Clinton said, "That's a no."

    She added, "We have been going back and forth in this campaign of who said what to whom and let me say this, that I don't talk about private conversations but I have consistently made the case that I can win."

    Campaign spokeswoman Mo Elleithee later said Clinton thought she was being asked whether she'd disclose what she actually said to Richardson, who has endorsed Obama.

    Clinton has come under fire in recent weeks about inconsistent statements.

Odd that the Hillary campaign felt the need to clarify this. In other words, they did not want her on the record as denying that she told Richardson Obama couldn't win.

Isn't this more or less a confirmation that she did say that? If her statement was accurate, why put out a correction?

Also, why would her staff feel the need to retract this denial? Was there some audio or video recording that would directly contradict her statement? Something beyond Richardson's word, obviously...

Or is it after the "sniper fire" item, she can't afford being caught in another lie?