Originally Posted By: the G-man
Male rock fans likely to vote Republican
  • If you are male and a Led Zeppelin fan, chances are you may be leaning toward voting Republican in the U.S. presidential election, according to a survey of rock radio fans released on Wednesday.

    The Jacobs Media's Media/Technology Web Poll IV of more than 27,000 respondents cited stronger than expected interest in the November 2008 election among fans of rock, classic rock, and alternative radio stations.

    It also found that John McCain, the Republican candidate for U.S. president, was the top pick for the Oval Office for men and classic rock partisans -- those people who tune in to stations playing music from the "original classic rock era" of 1964 to 1975, comprised of bands like Led Zeppelin, The Who and Pink Floyd.

    Jacobs Media said the survey, conducted among 69 U.S. rock-formatted stations in markets as diverse as Los Angeles and Knoxville to Buffalo, found 84 percent of the respondents planned to vote in the November election.

Well considering white males are more likely to be classic rock fans, it stands to reason they'd also vote Republican. White Males are one of their main pillars of supoport.

Yesterday on Hardball, the question of the white male vote and national security came up and Obama's response the day earlier when he did the college interview at West Chester University of Pennsylvania.

MATTHEWS: So Michael, what was the overall reaction in the area on your show this morning?

MICHAEL SMERCONISH, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: Well, he made no mistakes, and he looked good and he sounded good. I mean, the feeling in that fieldhouse at West Chester last night was more along the lines of a Final Four game than it was, you know, political discourse, and that‘s because of the magnetism that this guy has. I mean, I felt like I was at a college pep rally.

What I like about that answer, Chris, is that he combines it with saying that our resources have been diverted in Iraq from a battle that should be taking place in Afghanistan or in Pakistan. And what I think he‘s doing is showing his bona fides among white males who are looking for a tough guy on national defense. And the way he overcomes this issue of wanting to get over Iraq, to the extent that makes him look weak on defense, is he reminds the country we still haven‘t found bin Laden. And I got to tell you, that scores points with someone like me.