Okay, this is not good for the Clinton campaign. Not good at all. Clinton has been regularly telling a very sad and tragic health care story in her campaign stump speech that is not true.

The NY Times has the article. The JedReport has video of Clinton telling the story again yesterday -- and it's not pretty. As Jed notes, "The level of detail with which Clinton tells this yarn is breathtaking." Today, the Clinton campaign admitted to CNN, "In this case, we did try, but were not able to fully vet it." What? How can that be? Seriously.

 Originally Posted By: The JedReport

The key issue here is that once again Hillary Clinton is showing a pattern of embellishment and fabrication. Our health care system is in crisis, and repeating false stories does nothing but help the forces of the status quo prevent change.

How do you manage to tell a story like this without bothering to check any of the facts?

Is this the cavalier approach towards the truth that she would take as president?

She is an exceptionally good prevaricator, but in the age of the internet even the best will trip themselves up, especially once their tendencies become well-known. And clearly, her tendencies have become well-known.

You have to watch the video. The confidence with which Clinton tells her story is astounding -- you'd never know that she was making most of it up as she went along.

Since the Clinton campaign is talking to superdelegates about "electability," the superdelegates should ponder the narrative that is developing about Hillary Clinton's ability to tell the truth. It's not like she just relayed this health care story or just told the Tuzla story. Watch those videos again. She was emphatic in both cases and went into great detail. Yet, neither are true. Now, I don't imagine the Republicans would make hay out of this pattern in the general election, do you?

oh MEEEEEEEM. You're up.

Obama lies too? She still has more votes? Obama can't win? yadda yadda.
Everything but Clinton is a fucking habitual liar and THAT in fact, is a liability for the Democratic Party.

Y'know what kills me? The overwrought maudlin tone of her voice as she's spewing her bullshit. It's the same tortured compassionate tone she had when she's recounted her memories of MLK this weekend in Memphis. This after having minimized MLK and having caught flack for it not that long ago. And honestly, she's not that good an actor. To me, it just sounds like total staged, scripted, and rehearsed bullshit WITHOUT ever really needing anyone to dig up the actual facts.

Please MEM, tell me again how she's more electable when everyone pretty much knows by now that she's a fucking habitual liar. And every week she gives us new instances of her saying ANYTHING to win. Most of it being all bullshit.

And no one is doing this to her. Not Obama, the Republicans or the media. No one is putting the lies into her mouth. That's a decision she and her campaign deliberately, strategically, and repeatedly have done in order to try to propel her chances.

And then they feign surprise or aloofness at the insignificant gaffe when caught.