Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
I liked the "Close Encounters" thingy. I'm trying not to spoil.

That blaring sound it made was awesome. Really added a lot to the moment. And I watched it again this morning. You know...sober. Anyway, I'm still digging that Sarah Lancashire woman that played 'Miss Foster'. She was really, really smooth in that role. Nowhereman, is she known in the UK for anything?

As for Tate, I don't know that I always find her funny, really. But, her character is very much set up to be a new kind of 'Tegan'; mouthy, brassy, and shouty. I think the 'weirdness' I get from Tate (and I'm not sure if she's doing it on purpose as a character trait, or it's naturally like that) is how she pronounciates words, and holds her mouth. It's kind of disjointed and bizarre at times. Cunty, what's her accent? What region is that?