Originally Posted By: whomod

"gaffes and mis-statements".

The fact that she got caught making something up entirely (again) is a "gaffe and misstatement".

Ok, Wonder Boy.

Sounds like something she'd say.

Obama said he would abolish NAFTA, then told the Canadian government not to woory about it, that was just campaign rhetoric. He lied to voters.

Obama says he's a Christian, but people who know him say at least until he married his wife, he was a "devout muslim", if he isn't still one. He has repeatedly lied about his religion.

To say nothing of the anti-white/anti-American/anti-european remarks he himself has made, as well as the remarks and actions of those most closely associated with him.

Obama lied about not taking money from oil companies.

Obama has lied, and done his level best not to discuss-- his 17-year relationship taking campaign donations/trading favors with the federally indicted Tony Rezko. Including the joint purchase of land with Tony Rezko's wife, a sweetheart deal that gave him a price $300,000 below market value of his 1.3 million dollar home.

Obama campaigns as a moderate who brings people together, but has been partisanly liberal, when he hasn't just voted "present" (not yes or no) to cover his ass and avoid the appearance of being the chicken-shit ultraliberal he truly is. He was recently given a 95.5 liberal rating for his senate voting record, the most liberal of all 100 U.S. Senators.

And while mouthing high-and-mighty rhetoric about being "above the fray" Obama's campaign has repeatedly launched smear campaigns against Hillary, most of which you yourself have been all to eager to promote, Whomod.