There are times when some people should just learn to shut up!
Heyman was saying all the right things when he was talking about JJ, as yes, Vince did the right thing.
I must admit, I never quite understood Jericho and Cena coming out, as I wasnt aware they had any real history or connection to Flair, but as bsams said, its about the impact Flair has made on the industry, whether he has worked with people, or just inspired them (and for all we know, they could be great friends backstage anyway).

You only have to look at Big Show being in tears, to understand the impact he has had on people, especially after Flairs comments about how Show could own the industry if he gets his head on straight, at the HOF.
What more of an endorsement does a wrestler need than Flair to say something like that? (maybe he should have said more about Shane Douglas in the past, then he woulda ranked higher)

The final comments though, just smack of a guy trying to create heat for heats sake!
What was so goddamn bad about the music they played, and how was this Vince trying to say how great he and WWE are?

Maybe Heyman should get over it!

I have a lot of respect for Heyman, hell, I think the guy is brilliant at what he does/did, but fer fucksake Paul, when you bad mouth Vince for doing something good, you sound like an ignorant Snarf!