Mark Penn quits as Clinton's "chief strategist" -- he's still doing polling and giving advice. The fallout continues from the meeting Mark Penn had with his (now former) client, the Colombian government, to strategize about a trade pact that his client, Hillary Clinton, opposes. Yesterday, Colombia fired Penn. Today, according to AP, Penn gave up his job as top strategist for Hillary Clinton:

The manager of Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential campaign says Mark Penn has asked to give up his role as chief strategist of the campaign.

Campaign manager Maggie Williams issued a statement Sunday saying the action comes after what she referred to as ''the events of the last few days.''

Williams says Penn, Schoen and Berland Associates, Inc. will continue to provide polling and advice to the campaign.

The New York Times described the statement from Williams as "terse" and added some background:

Mr. Penn, who has been associated with Mrs. Clinton and former President Bill Clinton for a dozen years, has come under withering criticism for continuing to consult with clients as chief executive of Burson-Marsteller, the international lobbying and public relations firm.

He has also been held responsible for the flawed electoral strategy considered partly responsible for Mrs. Clinton’s difficult political position, trailing Senator Barack Obama by more than a hundred delegates and with a very narrow path to winning the Democratic nomination.

I suspect, given the way everyone on the Clinton campaign seems to hate Mark Penn, that we'll probably hear more about this over the next few days and weeks.

I'm really going to miss this guy. ;\)

Does this mean the tri-weekly YouTube clips of something Hillary said on the campaign trail being completely made up bullshit is now going to lessen?

No more dodging sniper fire? No more bringing peace to Norther Ireland? No more inventing pasteurization? Oh, wait, was that on for next week?