Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I suspect, given the way everyone on the Clinton campaign seems to hate Mark Penn, that we'll probably hear more about this over the next few days and weeks.

I suspect if he wasn't getting along with the rest of the campaign this ends up being a boost for Clinton.

Well it certainly can't hurt. Though I suspect that by now, the damage has been done. Mark Penn was trying to conduct a typical Rovian campaign in a political season where people are hip to as well as tired of the usual dirty tricks and lies.

Plus keep in mind, he's not really going anywhere. Kinda like how Karl Rove "resigned" from the White House but continues to do their dirty work and spin behind the scenes and on TV, right?

Williams says Penn, Schoen and Berland Associates, Inc. will continue to provide polling and advice to the campaign.

For dirty tricks and slime, just give us a ring.