No, Hillary, you really didn't start criticizing the war before Obama did.

Why? Seriously. Why? Why does Hillary Clinton do this? Why can't we just start campaigning against John McCain.

No, instead, we're still stuck dealing with continuing issues about Clinton's veracity (and let's face it, trust is not her strong suit with voters.) On the campaign trail, Clinton appears to be making things up. From Jed (the full post is worth a read):

I started criticizing the war in Iraq before he did.
-- Hillary Clinton, 4/5/08

Yes, that's a pretty crazy thing to say, but this being Clinton, there's some parsing involved. In her mind, anything that happened before January, 2005 doesn't count, because she and Barack Obama weren't both in the Senate.

Okay -- but as Jake Tapper documented, Clinton's story was flat-out false.

Again, Clinton was very emph]atic making her point. Again, she was wrong. There's a pattern developing -- and it's not good.

If you have any doubt, watch how Olbermann handles this latest gaffe:

crash and burn. Crash and burn.

It's pathological.