Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

I actually have muslim friends. As I said, one friend from Bangladesh told me that about 100 muslims who worked mostly in mailrooms and delivery, along with a smaller ratio of professionals, were killed on 9-11.

Not all muslims are terrorists.

But all arab/islamic terrorists are fanatical islamic fundamentalists, and islam breeds a far higher ratio of murderous fanatics than any other religion.

fair enough, i've actually made that point myself. it's not the religion itself, it's where the religious people live and grow up (same as how you'll find most catholic terrorists are from Ireland). And since Obama is American raised doesn't that imply that if he is muslim he probably isn't a radical terrorist?

See BSAMS' wikipedia links to American-born Al Qaida terrorists.

 Originally Posted By: Ray

 Originally Posted By: WB

You're deathly afraid of the truth, that you feel a need to constantly post these kind of slanders, because you can't argue your case on the facts.

as for slander, you do realize that you're implying obama is some evil monster out to destroy America. and, knowing you, you base most of this belief on the word of anne coulter and rush limbaugh.

Where did I, or anyone here, mention Rush Limbaugh? More manufactured blanket-slander on your part.

I'm posting friends of Obama, and quotes of Barack Obama's stated muslim beliefs, by people who know him, and as quoted by him in his own book. Beliefs that he denies, which manifest a hidden agenda.

 Originally Posted By: Ray

 Originally Posted By: WB
If I was "afraid of anyone who wasn't a WASP" I wouldn't be friends with half the people I associate with. As I've said repeatedly, I've dated women of virtually every culture. I'm currently dating a Brazilian girl.

oh, that's right. wondy isn't racist because he has token friends. so even though he says racist stuff it's ok because a black guy gave him permission.

That doesn't even make sense.

I don't have "token" friends. Maybe you do.
My friends are my friends.

 Originally Posted By: Ray

 Originally Posted By: WB
And I've almost married two girls, one Phillipine, one hispanic.

so do you think that having both relationships fall apart caused you to hate non-whites? or was this the cause of your hatred of women who dn't get married and do their duty by having children?

You're obviously trolling, but...

That's assuming one hell of a lot about me and my relationships that's not in evidence.
My relationships didn't fall apart becaust I "hate non-whites". We simply weren't compatible, or they moved away. Most of them I still have some contact with, so again your "hate" theory falls apart.
All of these things about "do their duty by having children", "hatred of women", and "hate non-whites" are YOUR ideas, NOT mine. Things you have paraphrased to make me conform to the racist/hater image you want to portray.

Once again, it is YOUR intolerant hatred that makes you assume that anyone who doesn't believe your radical liberal ideas must be a hate-filled racist. When in truth, myself and other conservatives simply have other ideas of how to eliminate racism, and truly create a society of equal opportunity, instead of bean-counting racial quotas that reward skin color instead of achievement, and avoid the liberal pitfalls of forever resurecting and apologizing for the past, that only succeeds in perpetuating minority hostility toward whites, and a sense of entitlement, of unending compensation that is owed. But liberal ideas along these lines ignore the complicity of black nations in the slave trade, and that Europeans were only about 100 years out of indentured servitude, serfdom and slavery themselves.

Your trolling on my personal life with insulting factless assumptions just manifests your inherent maliciousness.
And then you have the audacity to talk about evil.

 Originally Posted By: Ray

 Originally Posted By: WB
I've condemned blacks and other minorities only where I feel they've undermined true freedom and equality with quotas, and been guilty of their own racism.

i seem to remember Obama talking about how there was very real anger from whites about unfair quotas just as there was real anger from blacks about inequality and that these were issues that needed to be addressed. i then seem to recall you trashing that speech.

Yes, because he circumnavigated that he listened to Rev. Wrights anti-white, anti-American paranoid rants for 20 years. For him to listen to that excrement and not walk out of the church with his family in two minutes, Obama has to be a black racist who shares Wright's hostility toward America.

Obama's televised "I can no more disown.." speech simply excused his hatred. And for all the praise heaped on it by liberals, it is simply a perpetuation of the status quo, where black America will not take responsibility for itself, and will continue to blame white America for all its problems, with Barack Obama's blessing.

 Originally Posted By: Ray

 Originally Posted By: WB
I've critically cited crime problems within minority demographic groups, their attempts to extort reparations and guilt for past racism (every racial group has exploited every other racial group it could, and blame should not be disproportionately heaped on Europeans), and other races' hatred toward the white majority. And illegal immigration.

no, you've used a few numbers to justify condemning entire races of people as criminals. you twist your statistics to justify racism.

I haven't "condemned entire races". I've cited many black Americans whose achievements I admire.

I've condemned a few specific problems, particularly in black and hispanic demographic groups, of high crime rates, disproportionate (relative to whites and asians) high-school dropout rates, disproportionately high gang membership, and disproportionately high imprisonment rates. That these are problems that need to be addressed, not swept under a rug and dismissed as evidence of "white racism".

If I "condemned entire races" I would be saying that blacks and hispanics were incapable of the same achievement as whites. Instead I'm saying that these are problems within the black and hispanic communities that need to be resolved, and blaming whites is scapegoatism that absolves these demographic groups of taking responsibility for themselves and achieving real equality. And rationalize exacerbating racial quotas that perpetuate the problem, reward under-achievement, and dumb down our society.

 Originally Posted By: Ray

 Originally Posted By: WB
But in reading my literally hundreds of posts on the issue, I'm clearly not a racist. Much as you like to paint me that way.

except when i quote you word for word saying something racist. then you were taken out of context. so i post the entire post where you say something racist, then you say i'm full of shit and stop responding to the thread.

You quoted words of mine that didn't prove your case, then added comments that equated to tea-leaf-reading where you ad-libbed what you alleged I really was saying.

Once again: your racist words of hatred, not mine.
Deceitfully put in my mouth.

 Originally Posted By: Ray

 Originally Posted By: WB
But ironically, in making these accusations, you've many times made clear your OWN racist hostility toward whites.

i know you're talking to whomod, but you are the racist. you have many times, as you are now, tried to say that white euro-americans are perfect

Please show me where I said white europeans are perfect. In never said that.

I said that at the time Europeans colonized the world, they brought a technologically superior culture, but **NOT** that they were racially superior. And that this, despite clear abuses of Europeans during colonialism, worked out as a net benefit in advancement for India, China, the arab world, and the Americas.

African-american scholars have said that African-americans enjoy incomes, healthcare, and protection from ethnic violence that is 50 times better than the blacks who remained in Africa. I guess these black scholars are racists too, right Ray?

 Originally Posted By: Ray
and any history that brings up problems is evil lies,

Again, this is your intolerant liberal hatred, that needs to demonize conservatives who disagree with you, in this case me.

It is the one-sidedness of liberal history revisionism that always portrays Europeans in a negative light, without mentioning the gains of people everywhere who lived under European colonialism. Liberals are somehow prone to demonize their own history, rather than look at European abuses within the context of the greater good and achievement, and simultaneously play down the abuses of non-Europeans.

 Originally Posted By: Ray
because the indians were savages and the africans were beneath us and that both cultures deserved to be "absorbed" into our "superior" culture.

Technologically superior, yes. But not racially superior. People of all races who have moved into the European economic model all enjoy a far better life than their ancestors did.

Just as all Europeans enjoy the benefits of the ballast rudder, the compass, and gunpowder, that Europeans gained from interaction with Chinese culture. All cultures exchange ideas of art, medicine, healthcare, technology, and military tactics. Japan first came into contact with the U.S. in the 1860's, and rapidly transformed from a backward feudal system into a global military and industrial power.
As are India and China now.

I don't believe races are inferior, only cultures are. Much as you try to paint my beliefs otherwise.

 Originally Posted By: Ray

you're a vile, little, pathetic old man stamping his foot at the damn teenagers on the lawn. if it weren't for the internet the world would've forgotten you by now, as it is i bet we're the only ones who have to hear your BS since you seem like the type who is too cowardly to discuss these beliefs in real life.
but i still love you.

Another vicious, factless personal attack of yours.

  •  Originally Posted By: WB
    Sometimes I wish had enough meanness in me to give you a full taste of the mocking antagonism you live your miserable life to dish out every day. But I stood at the edge of the abyss, and I stepped back. Better to let you roast in your own bile, than to leap off there with you.


    Battle not with whomods, lest ye become a whomod.
    And if you gaze into the whomod, the whomod gazes also into you.

    --Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzche (abridged)