Microsoft to sincerely flatter Wii, a good move for Microsoft
MTV via Kotaku

  • According to an unnamed source speaking to MTV, Microsoft's latest, umm, innovation takes the form of a motion sensing remote. If you were a diehard internet cynic type, you might notice a similarity between this and Nintento's Wiimote. Rare is allegedly helping to develop a Mii-esque avatar system, who are also helping to "unified interface and look for the controller."

    This sounds pretty likely to me. Microsoft's already proven its intentions to court the casual market with titles like SceneIt! and with the Xbox Live Arcade console pack now cheaper than the Wii. While it doesn't appeal to me, in some ways, I have to admit it would be a canny move. The Wii's had a bit of a problem shaking off a kiddy image, with an awful lot of inane family friendly titles shovelled onto the console. Microsoft could grab some of Nintendo's casual market, especially if Rare were helping to develop, and still keep diehard Halo 3 fanatics happy with the 360's more conventional control mechanism.

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