Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
It wont encourage anyone to buy it.
People who want a 360 will buy a 360, people who want a Wii will buy that.
I doubt it will sway anyone away from Nintendo.

pretty much. for the most part each platform has its diehards (e.g. sammitch who does all his gaming on his pc), people who probably won't switch consoles mid-cycle unless they've got a shit-ton of disposable income or are just really pissed off with their current console. each developer has its target demographic, and for the most part they are doing a decent job of hanging onto them. microsoft is losing people not because of the quality of its gaming experience - it has a fantastic selection of software and a solid online experience - but because of the poor reliability of its hardware. nintendo won't lose an appreciable amount of business to a motion-controlled 360 - the soccer moms and their five-year-olds won't even know it exists and nintendo-addicted manchild web designers won't care - but microsoft should at least break even on the venture.


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