Let's review the current situation: This thing is over. Clinton lost.

But then, a top Clinton surrogate writes an op-ed that attacks Obama in Wall Street Journal -- and it's pretty clear that the Clinton surrogate is just aiding and abetting John McCain. And, when you know that surrogate is the despicable Lanny Davis, it makes sense. In 2006, Davis, after all, one of Joe Lieberman's most vociferous supporters in 2006. Note again where Davis ran his op-ed: The Wall Street Journal's editorial pages. I guess if Hillary can cozy up to Richard Mellon Scaife, every other right wing venue is acceptable, too.

Reading the feigned concern of Davis about Rev. Wright, it's clear the guy has become a symbol of so much that is wrong with the Clinton campaign. Davis has been around the Clintons for too long -- and is too close to them -- for this op-ed to be anything but a Clinton campaign plant. Davis already wrote the same thing on Huffington Post. And, despite the best efforts of Hillary herself tried to make Rev. Wright the issue. It must drive the Clinton campaign crazy that, despite their best efforts, most Americans aren't caught up in the controversy about Rev. Wright.

Davis spent years defending Bill Clinton during the impeachment years. His act is so 1998. Davis might have done Hillary some good if he actually put his limited talents to use trying to dig her out of the on-going scandals and controversies that have wracked her campaign. But, that's not what the long-time Clintonistas do. They set out to attack and destroy their opponents. It's too late for Davis to stop Obama from getting the nomination, but he's willing to do whatever it takes to undermine Obama's campaign in the fall.

So Lanny Davis is aiding and abetting the GOP while Clinton's campaign is crumbling. He has the audacity to invoke concerns about "the Republican attack machine" while he's providing fodder. Unbelievable. I'd say it's a new low, but it's just a typical low.

After this campaign is finally over, there is a long list of Clinton surrogates who we should never have to see on t.v. again. Lanny Davis is right on the top of that list.