Cheering against America as usual, aren't you Whomod?

As I pointed out elsewhere, while there are still problems, violence in Iraq is down by 50%, people are returning to previously "ethnically cleansed" neighborhoods, incomes and the general economy in Iraq are rising by 9% annually (three time U.S. growth), and much as you hate to admit it, Iraq is gradually stabilizing and reaching political reconciliation.

Despite the "sky is falling" partisan naysayers like you.

What kills me is, in 5 years of fighting, NOT ONCE have you advocated an alternative strategy to win in Iraq.
It's ALWAYS America is bad, retreat retreat retreat, leave our allies in Iraq to be slaughtered.

NEVER ONCE in that time have you ever advocated any strategy that's in our nation's best interest.

EVERY TIME you've eagerly repeated and believed at face value the enemy's talking points.

You lying cocksucking weasel.