Originally Posted By: thedoctor
You forget, G-man, that before this campaign, the Clintons were the demigods of the Democratic party.

Well, i'd argue that Bill Clinton certainly was. Hillary Clinton has always been a polarizing figure in this country, even among Democrats, And certainly since she's been in the Senate and voted against the wishes of her constituency on the legislation that matters such as Iraq.

The shift even among women voters who because of femenist reasons were usually Hillary's strongest supporters has eroded significantly because of her tactics during this primary season.

A new poll solely of women voters -- of all political stripes -- commissioned by Lifetime Meryl Streep is picked by a poll as best to portray Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in a movie Networks shows that as the campaign has slogged on, her image has suffered among her gender.

The survey was conducted by two respected pollsters -- Kellyanne Conway (a Republican) and Celinda Lake (a Democrat). We talked to the polling director for the L.A. Times, Susan Pinkus, and she was struck by this finding: 26% of women polled said that since January, their opinion of Clinton had declined, compared with 15% who said it had improved.

So I don't think Obama's tactics or anyone else's but Hillary Clinton's (and her campaigns) is the cause of this erosion among people who used to look favorably towards her and Bill Clinton.

Now the one who is really being brought down by this primary is Bill. Like i said, Hillary has always been a polarizing figure, one of the main reasons I've always doubted her electability. But bill has always been a well respected and beloved figure in Democratic circles and even among the general public. His image, especially when he's bald face lying like I just pointed out last night certainly has taken a beating and many pundits have already noted that he's actually more of a hindrance rather than an asset to Hillary's campaign.

I'm sure he'll recover from this campaign though. But let's not kid ourselves and pretend that people are rejecting the Clinton's right now just because...

People are rejecting them because right now, they're pretty contemptible. and Bill seems too involved in this race, almost as if he's the one seeking office. And Hillary of late has resorted to playing the victim. First on NPR the other day talking about double standards and then with Elton john calling the U.S. basically a bunch of misogynists.