Yesterday, Hillary Clinton and her friend, John McCain, teamed up to attack Obama. It was another frivolous -- and disingenuous -- attack over remarks Obama made describing the lives and frustrations of real Americans. As if Clinton and McCain have any concept of the real lives of real people. Both of them are extremely wealthy. Both of them have been living in bubbles for years. Both of them have been surrounded by people who pay to be near them or are paid to be near them for years and years. Neither has any concept of reality.

Al Giordano deconstructs Clinton's baseless screed in a post titled, "Clinton to Rural Pennsylvanians: 'You Can Be Victims, Too!'” while Cliff Schecter does a number on McCain's hypocrisy in a post titled, "John 'Married into Beer Wealth' McCain calls Obama 'elitist.'"

A CNN panel comprised of Jeffrey Toobin, Gloria Borger and Jack Cafferty also obliterated the Clinton/McCain attack. Obliterated. Seriously. Watch this:


And, then, watch Obama. Because that's what you'll want to hear from a President.

Never underestimate the power of Hillary Clinton to say anything -- anything -- even if it abets the Republican party. Today, she launched an attack on Obama that could have come right from the RNC. Ben Smith at the Politico has Clinton's quote and notes:

Now, this is more a general election wedge than a Democratic primary one, and Hillary Clinton may not be the world's best messenger on the Second Amendment. But it's a preview of things to come.

"General election wedge" from Hillary Clinton. Thanks, Hill. And, there will be more to come. Her mission is to destroy Obama.

Also unbelievable:

In Indianapolis, Clinton says that she doesn’t think most Americans are “bitter,” says “what I hear are real concerns about unfair trade practices that cost people jobs.”

Would those "unfair trade practices" include NAFTA, which was supported by Bill and Hillary Clinton? And, how about the Colombia trade agreement supported by Bill Clinton and Mark Penn? Will anyone in the punditry note the hypocrisy in that attack?

And, if Hillary doesn't think people are bitter, she might talk to some of the creditors owed large sums by her campaign. I imagine some of them are bitter since they're now talking about taking Hillary's campaign to collections. But for Hillary to talk to real people means she would have to step out of the overly-scripted, focus group tested, elitist, out-of-touch bubble that she's lived in for 16 years. Instead, she's just delivering GOP talking points in order to hurt our chances of beating McCain in the fall.

Wow. So desperate for something negative on Obama. Which again shows how the Wright and Muslim crap is so ineffective. both campaigns pounced on it like starved lions despite the fact that this easily blowbacks on them when they try to paint Obama, who has a lower net worth than BOTH candidates as the elitist.