um... faith in God and religion are two different things altogether.

You might want to pore over the sermons of my radical preacher to find this distinction.

he also slipped in his continuing them of "everybody is a racist"

Not that I ever heard him say that but lets play devil's advocate and assume he did. Would you disagree with that? A large generalization as it is. Just in your daily life, would you find that people generally hold prejudices against certain groups either overtly or subconciouslly?

Shit, just here amongst ourselves, we're rife with it! Myself not excluded. I think to a certain degree everyone holds some prejudice inside them. It's a learned behaviour from a society traditionally seeped in it. Whether it's against shiftless lazy blacks, welfare consuming illegals, bad Asian drivers, drunk Irishmen, etc. etc. I think most people hold certain beliefs and prejudices, either founded or unfounded. And that is part of the discussion on race that Obama advocates. Just holding it inside in private and the proudly pronouncing that no racism exists save in those that voice it loudly doesn't solve anything.

You just like to dismiss it as unneeded and as some proof of Obama's racism because he dares to hold up a mirror and challenge everyone to look inside it and surmount it.