Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
We're getting towards the end of the nomination process & the numbers are not looking so good for Obama...
An AP-Ipsos poll taken in late February had Obama leading McCain 51-41 percent. The current survey, conducted April 7-9, had them at 45 percent each. McCain leads Obama among men, whites, Southerners, married women and independents.

Clinton led McCain, 48-43 percent, in February. The latest survey showed the New York senator with 48 percent support to McCain's 45 percent.

It didn't take long to wipe out Obama's big lead. Hillary on the other hand is still beating McCain.

what the hell are you talking about?? Obama needs only 33% of SuperDelegates to get nomination.

The reason every single top liberal blog and a lot of the base has had it with Hillary is because she already lost the nomination, she knows she already lost, and now is throwing a Hail Mary pass that threatens to divide our party and jeopardize our chances against John McCain in the fall. You have to wonder how well Hillary's staff is sleeping at night, knowing they lost this thing two months ago, and are now simply doing the Republicans' bidding. I suspect most Hillary staffers are good Democrats, simply doing their job. But at some point, your loyalty to the party, to the cause, needs to kick in. They're not just wasting their time, they're hurting their own party and all of us. And that's nothing to be proud of.

From Forbes:

These calculations still leave Barack Obama more than 100 delegates short of the total needed for the nomination. So let’s go to the superdelegates.

At present, 315 superdelegates are still up for grabs. Using our Delegate Calculator, it becomes clear that Obama would need to win just 33%, or 104, of the remaining 315 superdelegates to get over the top.

Getting 1/3rd of suerdelegates doesn't seem that hard as opposed to getting 2/3rds of them with a floundering campaign.

Well let's hope the superdelegates get a hold of these poll numbers that show Obama's steep downhill slide into a tie with McCain while we still have Hillary beating McCain. Hope the PA voters take notice too.

BTW I'm not sure how the delegate thing works but I think you need so many pledged delegates to get over the top. We passed that point a while back where either of them can do that. Now it's a case of who has the most delegates total at convention time. If Hillary closes strong & is beating McCain while Obama isn't, the superdelegates wouldn't be doing their job picking the unelectable Obama.

Only in your spin fueled fantasy world can the guy that's about 150 delegate points ahead and the one that only needs 1/3rd of the superdelegates as opposed to 2/3rds of them to win, is the unelectable one.

Plus why is Obama, who has sparked a Democratic registration, party switching, and fund raising extraveganza the like of which has never been seen in modern politics, unelectable but the candidate that is famous for being a habitual liar and one of the most polarizing figures in politics is the stronger candidate?