Whomod, how are Hillary's distortions of her record to appeal to voters, exaggerations, evasions and outright lies, really any different from Obama's doing the same on any number of issues:
  • pandering to immigrant voters by expressing solidarity with illegal aliens;

    vowing to abolish NAFTA then assuring the Canadian government that was just campaign rhetoric;

    downplaying his 17-year relationship with Tony Rezko despite his joint-purchasing his house through him at $300,000 below market value;

    evasively hiding his muslim past;

    touting his good judgement in opposing Iraq invasion, but talking tough about invading Pakistan;

    touting his good judgement in opposing Iraq invasion, when he has at several points expressed that Bush was right to invade, before shifting back to an anti-Iraq-war stance;

    talking about "finding the middle ground" while having a career as a far left politician (the most liberal-rated of all 100 senators), who can't even compromise with Hillary Clinton, let alone the Republicans, saying (in your own provided YouTube clip) that Hillary is "too tainted to have a place in my White House";

    reaching out to white America as a moderate conciliatory to all sides, despite having an autobiography that reads like Mein Kampf, in its seething hatred and resentment of a white America he aches to lash back at, including tooward black-friendly white classmates, and even toward his own white mother, that he says he had to hold back the urge to "punch in the face" for simply expressing understanding and solidarity with his personal experiences as black minority among whites.

Or similar inconsistencies in John McCain: embracing many W.Bush-republican political stances he previously reviled, such as tax cuts, pundits of the religious right, NAFTA, and many other issues that alienated him in 2000, that he has now embraced to reach a wider base in 2008.

Or for that matter, the paradoxes, panderings, evasions, exaggerations and outright lies of Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and every presidential contender before them.

The level at which you vindictively and personally snipe at Hillary is just obnoxious, and I don't see why you single her out for special treatment, even as you've said previously that if Obama were not the nominee, you'd vote for her as your second choice over any Republican nominee.

What you say about Hillary really makes no sense. I see no superior integrity in Obama, who you've all but nominated for being the 2nd Coming. Or in McCain who you've panned to a lesser degree, while focusing your venom on trashing Hillary.