Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

I give her credit for at least trying to help the voters with a chance to revote for whoever. That's more than can be said for Obama.

Funny how the plight of Florida and Michigan only became a concern for Hillary AFTER she fared so poorly everywhere else. Before that, her, Obama and the rest of the Democratic Party were pretty unanimous on holding MI and FLA to task for violating party rules.

Before that, even I admit i was unaware as to why everyone was prohibited from campaigning there as I was unaware of the primary being bumped up in defiance of DNC rules. I found it weird but as I recall from countless newscasts, everyone, including Hilary Clinton was in lock step agreement on that point.

Again, until she fared so poorly on that inevitability thing. Then suddenly you have her and supporters like you challenging any rule that if overturned may work to her advantage. From re-voting in states that all the Democratic candidates agreed were null and void to forgoing the delegate votes for the popular vote, to the superdelegates being free to crown her in defiance of the pledged vote.....

....whatever happens to be going Hillary's way at the moment.

And if the momentum shifts to Obama, then it's off to the next thing that will make Hillary win. It's inconsistent mumbo-jumbo and arbitrary rewriting the rules because Hillary HAS TO WIN.