Originally Posted By: whomod

I'm watching MSNBC right now and they have a McCain pundit trying to distance his candidate from the neocons and crediting McCain for the "success" of the surge.

Another deluded revisionist.

Go back and re-read Bush's own measure of success of the surge. NONE of that has taken place. So how the fuck is it a success???

it really will be fun if this is the Republican talking point in support of John McCain. he's responsible for the successful surge.

I will defend McCain on not being a neo-con.

While not pressing for Iraq withdrawal, McCain was constantly (along with Chuck Hagel, Richard Lugar, and a few other Republican hawks) constructively critical of Bush's conduct of the Iraq war, pressing for Rumsfeld's removal almost from the beginning, pressing for greater troop-strength in Iraq, and opposing waterboarding or more overt torture of Al Qaida prisoners.

So while McCain is for staying in Iraq until the job is done, and not pulling out prematurely, it is unfair to say McCain is "just like Bush" on this issue.

On immigration reform and amnesty for illegals, yes, he's just like Bush.

But on the Iraq war, no, McCain is not "just like Bush".