..and speaking of Richardson, 'Judas' speaks. He has a story on him in the new GQ magazine where he talks of his decision to endorse obama.

Bill Richardson tells “GQ” magazine he was on the verge of endorsing Hillary Clinton, but what happened behind the scenes ultimately made him back Barack Obama. The main reason? Obama wasn‘t afraid to pick up the phone himself. Richardson says Obama always called him personally, while Bill Clinton or surrogates always called on Senator Clinton‘s behalf.

And when Obama did call, Richardson says, he liked what he had to say.

Obama says: “Hey, man, I know this is tough for you. I understand loyalty. But you know what he said that I liked? He said, but this is about the country. This is about the future.”

Richardson says that was in contrast to the Clintons. “Hillary and Bill were always very proper. The discussions were more tactical. You know, if you endorse us now, maybe we win Texas, because you‘re Hispanic.”

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough says "Pretty interesting. If that in fact is a window into how the Clinton's operate vs. Obama, obviously, it certainly puts Barack Obama in a more positive light".

"The fact is, though, the one thing you do learn in politics very early on is, you can have surrogates. You can have other people call for you, but when you want to close that deal, you have got to pick up the phone and make the request yourself or go knock on somebody‘s door and shake their hands themselves. That‘s how you close them. If Bill Clinton is making these calls instead of Hillary, that makes a big difference".

So Obama speaks of the future and in more idealistic terms while with the Clinton's, it's that clinical making strategic moves to pick up endorsements in order to sway blocs of ethnic votes.

Frankly I don't see how a Richardson endorsement compels anyone, much less Latino's to vote for you. I know I'm not swayed by anyone just because they happen to be Latino. It's the same b.s. strategy of showing up to the 1st AME church right before an election and expecting all the black people to vote for you because of it. It's a bit condescending actually.

See, I sing with black people. See, a Latino likes me. Vote for me then. and then you go back and vote for wars and trade deals that devastated their community. Oh, but you sang with them and got one of them to endorse you. Isn't that enough?? Doesn't that show you care?

I honestly hope we've moved beyond that point where politicians can manipulate people by merely making superficial gestures like downing beers and singing at black churches and trying to get ethnic endorsements to somehow show that ____'s as one monolithic group stand with you. Hopefully it comes down to people actually voting their economic interests more than voting for the best campaign tactics.