Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Polls for PA have shown quite a spread. The last one I posted from a day ago showed her with a 20 point lead. Either way the race is close enough where Obama can still lose. The doctor may be right though about this being more of a general election problem for Obama than one for the nomination.

Well, lets review what thedoctor said then..

 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
I don't think the bitter comment is going to hurt Obama in the primaries as many snobby Democrats already hold the same concepts of middle America. It's the general election that that comment is going to come back and bite him in the ass.

Now this frankly doesn't make a lick of sense. So the very same working class PA voters that a couple of days ago were supposedly being looked down by Obama and the 'limousine liberals' have suddenly metamorphed into the very same "snobby Democrats" who were condescending to them??

And this happened how and why? Oh yeah, because Hillary's latest attack and the media frenzy over the weekend didn't end up hurting Obama much as everyone who was salivating over the prospect, expected. So because of this, suddenly these good gun totin', devout people get transformed into the same people who were talking shit about them???

(And yes thedoctor, i include PA voters specifically, because we were discussing them and their election and how the controversy really didn't hurt Obama there in 'the reddest of the blue states' as some expected and hoped..)

It couldn't be because as the Obama ad said, people frankly are tired of this kind of politics? It couldn't possibly be because people want substantive answers, not a candidate saving them from the guy who said they were "bitter". Yes, "vote for me and I'll make sure no one ever calls you bitter", regardless of whether your job gets sent overseas, at least you'll know someone isn't condescending to you.

Not overtly of course, just subtly by making one vote against your economic interest by presenting to you wedges and distractions that are supposed to matter more than health care, good jobs and a better future. Be it gay marriage, a flag lapel pin, or someone calling people who are down and out, bitter.

I think just in the biggest flaps Obama has faced, the Muslim crap, the Wright crap and now the bitter crap, it's not so much about Obama being some super untouchable Teflon candidate as it is about the electorate frankly being tired of politics as usual. And Hilary, as her cheap attack ad clearly shows, has a machine devoted to nothing but the same politics as usual. They pride themselves on it. They think they're better candidates because of it. And if these past few weeks have shown anything, it's that a good political machine and the same type of negative campaigns have finally reached the point of critical mass with people.

And along comes Obama. Nothing really spectacular about him. If you try, you can dig up something. But, he inspires people. He fills them with hope. He lets them dare to dream of something better than another cycle of the usual politics that frankly turn people off and make them tune out. And yes, his speeches are pretty. As MEM,who apparently is still pretty comfortable with the usual old type of politics and firmly believes in it's results, likes to insult backhandedly with faint praise.

Just like MLK's speeches were "just words" as Hillary also condescendingly reminded us. It's obvious they don't believe in the power of hope and inspiration. They laugh and ridicule it and dismiss it. Even as millions of new voters, all overwhelmingly Democratic and most 1st time young voters who apparently are to also be condescended by MEM, take part in the electoral process and participatory Democracy for the first time ever and who actually are following politics and issues for the first time ever.

Because Obama inspired them to. Not Hillary's machine and big donors and ethnic groups all subdivided all tidy and neatly.It's millions of people, finally hearing something and someone that causes them to give a damn about politics, turning the applecart on it's side, and one candidate, perhaps naive but naive enough not to know that you can't fight the established way of doing things, actually doing things a little different than everyone else.

It's pure Capra. Obama as Jefferson Smith. Millions of Americans will root for him and donate 20 bucks to him despite and even BECAUSE of the smear jobs he's faced with. He's already demonstrated this simple and obvious fact twice in recent weeks. I really don't see how Hillary's slime and distraction in this primary is any less potent than the coming right wing slime and distraction either.