Originally Posted By: thedoctor

As for the rest of your post that tongues Obama's asshole, I find him to be dishonest and two-faced. I know that those are common traits in politics and that every politician denies it

Funny you should mention trust...

I won't make any comment on this finding from the latest Washington Post/ABC News poll because the thing speaks for itself -- and it should be speaking to superdelegates:

Lost in the Hillary Rodham Clinton campaign's aggressive attacks on Barack Obama in recent days is a deep and enduring problem that threatens to undercut any inroads Clinton has made in her struggle to overtake him in the Democratic presidential race: She has lost trust among voters, a majority of whom now view her as dishonest.

Her advisers' efforts to deal with the problem -- by having her acknowledge her mistakes and crack self-deprecating jokes -- do not seem to have succeeded. Privately, the aides admit that the recent controversy over her claim to have ducked sniper fire on a trip to Bosnia probably made things worse.

Clinton is viewed as "honest and trustworthy" by just 39 percent of Americans, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, compared with 52 percent in May 2006. Nearly six in 10 said in the new poll that she is not honest and trustworthy. And now, compared with Obama, Clinton has a deep trust deficit among Democrats, trailing him by 23 points as the more honest, an area on which she once led both Obama and John Edwards.

The poll showed Obama leading Clinton by a ten-point margin: 51% - 41%.

Also in today's post is an op-ed from Doug Schoen , Mark Penn's business partner (or maybe not -- the firm is Penn, Schoen and Berland) basically telling Clinton to go negative and "undermine Obama's candidacy." It seems those consultant-types, who got Clinton into her current situation, can't help but give her bad advice.

 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
but I find it more offensive the more someone says that they're above and beyond such dishonesty as he has. And I don't at all like how he's used issues of race to get ahead. Rev. Wright is okay to spout hatred and racism in his church for 20+ years because he's a good guy if you just take the chance to get to know him. But Don Imus should be fired because he once uttered 'nappy-headed hos' on the radio. Fuck Obama.

As for the rest of that. I'm frankly surprised. You usually show more restraint.

First off, I don't think he's said he's above and beyond dishonesty. Just that he wants to run a cleaner campaign with more substance and less politics as usual. Just like the race question, he's not running around saying that he's better or less prejudiced or anything. That's just the usual and convenient dismissal to people who simply try though.

As for Imus, that has nothing to do with Obama. It took me back because you essentially want Obama to "pay" for Rev. Wrights comments. Don Imus "paid" for his own comments. obama needs to pay for someone else's comments so you can feel a sense of racial payback? it sounds unusually bitter coming from you.