Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor

As for the rest of your post that tongues Obama's asshole, I find him to be dishonest and two-faced. I know that those are common traits in politics and that every politician denies it

Funny you should mention trust...

I won't make any comment on this finding from the latest Washington Post/ABC News poll because

Um... This may come as a surprise to you, but I've known that Hillary is a lying bitch for well over a decade.

 Originally Posted By: whomod
As for Imus, that has nothing to do with Obama. It took me back because you essentially want Obama to "pay" for Rev. Wrights comments. Don Imus "paid" for his own comments. obama needs to pay for someone else's comments so you can feel a sense of racial payback? it sounds unusually bitter coming from you.

I'm not talking about Barack paying for Imus's comments. I'm talking about Barack paying for his own comments when it came to Don Imus and then his total 180 when the Rev. Wright affair hit the news. Here's a spoonful of truth for you. (btw, this is an actual ABC article and not a made up AP one )

Obama: Fire Imus
Obama First White House Contender to Call for Imus' Firing Over Racial Slur


April 11, 2007

In an interview with ABC News Wednesday afternoon, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., called for the firing of talk radio host Don Imus. Obama said he would never again appear on Imus' show, which is broadcast on CBS Radio and MSNBC television.
Obama Imus

"I understand MSNBC has suspended Mr. Imus," Obama told ABC News, "but I would also say that there's nobody on my staff who would still be working for me if they made a comment like that about anybody of any ethnic group. And I would hope that NBC ends up having that same attitude."

Obama said he appeared once on Imus' show two years ago, and "I have no intention of returning."

Racial Slur Stirs Trouble for Shock Jock

Last week, Imus referred to the Rutgers University women's basketball team, most of whom are African-American, as "nappy-headed hos." He has since apologized for his remarks, and CBS and MSNBC suspended his show for two weeks.

"He didn't just cross the line," Obama said. "He fed into some of the worst stereotypes that my two young daughters are having to deal with today in America. The notions that as young African-American women -- who I hope will be athletes -- that that somehow makes them less beautiful or less important. It was a degrading comment. It's one that I'm not interested in supporting."

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."