First off and as an aside, I NEVER made up any AP article nor did anyone else.

Second, again, you think he has to pay for Rev. Wright. Pay more I suppose. Now since he can't "fire' Rev. Wright since Wright doesn't work for him and he already disavowed his remarks, what else do you demand from him? That Obama cause him to lose his preaching job? He's no longer a preacher at Obama's church!

Now Imus was being paid to say that kind of stuff on the air. Wright I don't think is getting paid by Obama. You're trying to equalize two very different set of circumstances.

But honestly, it just sounds as if it boils down to you feeling white people are put upon unfairly and you're upset that Obama is doing so well despite some slip up's. And you see hypocrisy in Obama calling on NBC to deal with Imus.

Can you blame Obama for that though? He's not the one putting himself in such a great position? That is being done by the electorate. So pretty much the public has spoken on this issue as well as the Imus issue and it's closed for the most part. People found obama's disavowal sufficient and found Imus firing sufficient. Obama didn't cause Imus to be fired. That was on account of almost unanimous disgust with Imus' comments. And if there was any hypocrisy from Obama, the public certainly didn't think so. They found his handling of that situation sufficient.

People who share that sort of deep racial animus aern't going to vote for the guy anyway, regardless of Wright I think.