Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: whomod
Second, again, you think he has to pay for Rev. Wright. Pay more I suppose. Now since he can't "fire' Rev. Wright since Wright doesn't work for him and he already disavowed his remarks, what else do you demand from him? That obama cause him to lose his preaching job? he's no longer a preacher at Obama's church!

Obama has put up that his lack of experience is made up for by his superior judgment. I can easily question the judgment of a man who stayed in a church that had a preacher promote racism and hatred for the 'white conspiracy', who took in that same preacher as his 'spiritual advisor', who associated himself so closely to that man, and who let this guy fill not only his and his wife's heads with that hatred but also his young daughters (who Obama likes to parade around in his excuses).

Again, this Rev. Wright story is pretty much over and done... except among white male conservatives. Everyone else has moved on but guys like you want to continue to draw blood from a stone. So not to say you're just making political hay out of an old story. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say that it really does concern you. I read this today and found it insightful.

Clinton surely had no racial intent, but none is needed for a racial impact. In a society long steeped in stereotypes, such comments reverberate. The incessant loop of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. cursing America and repeating old conspiracy theories has revived fears of black anger among whites whose threshold of tolerance for such rage has always been low. No matter that Obama seems anything but angry. A few sentences from his pastor are enough to incite such anxieties.

Regardless that to many blacks, such rage among it's older generation is very much real and not as surprising and worrisome as this group of conservative whites seems to feel it is. The fact that it's surprising should at least be telling that some whites really have no idea what many blacks think and feel. Which is why a dialouge is needed.

 Originally Posted By: whomod
Now Imus was being paid to say that kind of stuff on the air. Wright I don't think is getting paid by Obama. You're trying to equalize two very different set of circumstances.

Obama wasn't paying Don Imus, yet he called for Imus to be fired. Obama did pay Rev. Wright to say what he said as a partitioner and contributor to the church. You forget that pastors (especially those of larger churches) are paid to give their sermons. So, which is worse? Don Imus muttering one phrase of 'nappy-headed hos' on a radio broadcast, or Rev. Wright using entire sermons to demonize entire races?

See, that's the right wing spin again. And it suggests a wariness if not outright fear of black rage. Almost as if some people in the back of their head think that Obama is going to lead the charge of militant racial revenge for slavery and Jim Crow or something if he's elected. The fact that no one else thinks that race hatred is what this church was all about should clue you in that perhaps it's just conservative paranoia and exploiting racial division at work yet again.

Yes, Wright said some questionable things. As I hear MANY, I repeat MANY older black people utter EVERY-SINGLE-DAY. Most people, myself and most blacks I see amongst them, just shrug it off and ignore it as the lingering bitterness and resentment of a hard life. That Wright still harbors some bitterness and resenment doesn't man that this is all he's about. That's caricature. And because Wright is bitter doesn't translate to Obama is bitter.

A Lot of these older men that I see happen to have kids and grandkids that have an even closer and longer lasting relationship than Obama does to Wright and some of them are intermarried, as Obama's own parents are intermarried or are just regular unbitter, open people despite the close and longstanding contact with people who still harbor soem of that racial sting.

What i see you doing is trying to rub off Wrights anger onto Obama in some attempt to paint him as unacceptable. Obama has responded to wright. I don't think ANYTHING he says would be acceptable to you though. You think angry people should just I dunoo.. disappear so you can be comfortable that no one is mad at white folk anymore?

You are utterly retarded. Nowhere did you even come close to addressing Obama's hypocrisy for calling for Imus's firing from radio for one utterance while he tried to build up a man who had a history of crazy 'the white man is after us' conspiracy theories in a church. That's what my point was about. It's about Obama's varying judgment and stances on similar instances. That's my problem with him. It's not because he's black. It's because he has a sliding morality. But you're unwilling to actual consider that I have a problem with his politics and morality. I say it is you who wants to turn this into a issue of racism since you're the fucknut who keeps bringing it up to keep from having to address the issues I've actually put forth. It's easier for you to say that I'm racist or scared of a black president instead of looking at the facts I've put before you. That's why I wrote:

You're right. Questioning Obama is wrong because he's black. I should never have been foolish enough to question the ever-changing positions of a black man. He's black, so he should be without approach. Due to his blackness and all. As a matter of fact, I'm probably just being racist for not capitalizing black. It should be Black. Using a lowercase 'b' is just demeaning to Black people. I should have realized from the start that this wasn't about political and moral ideals but about Black vs. white. My God! I feel even more racist now that there isn't anything smaller than a lowercase 'w' for me to use. I mean the only way to subside the white guilt that must be mandatory for me to feel is to find some other way to further demean my whiteness against Obama's Blackness. Now that I look at it, there has to be something bigger than an uppercase 'B' to help further promote Obama's Blackness. I feel so horrible now.

Fuck you, you tool.

I was making fun of your bullshit tactics. And that 'Fuck you' was for you only because, as I said, you're a fucking tool.

 Originally Posted By: whomod
And here's why I at you. You sound genuinely resentful of black people here. Just in general. Here's where the problem with Obama crystallized. No that he's a Muslim. Not that he's a militant black. But that he's a black and you can't criticize blacks and they hold race over you and you're being diminished as a white man.

Plus the "fuck you" just sounds as if you're angry and frustrated that the Wright brouhaha didn't stop Obama and now this "bitter" thing didn't do it either. And my support of Obama pisses you off. The black man is going to be President and then you'll really get it from all sides. So the bitch slap picture might comfort you a bit. It still smacks of frustration and anger that Clinton can't stop Obama. And that's all I really care about. That you think this affects anything is like I said, comforting to you but ultimately meaningless and childish.

Which is anthoer mystifying thing all about this election.

All of a sudden, Hillary Clinton, the longstanding right wing poster woman for liberalism and all it's evils suddenly is being rooted on by all corners of the right wing and conservative world.

Just weird. Weird and sad.

Once again you pull out the 'you must be a racist' card because it's easier for you to handle that than the hypocrisies of Obama. You also decide to spin your bullshit further by thinking that I want Hillary to win. Fuck if I want either to win. As I've said, I've known for years what a dirty, lying bitch she is. I've never said that I want her to win (though I am enjoying watching her stretch this bastard out like she has). You're making shit up to bolster your own skewed arguments again, which seems to be your MO. But you say I'm bitter. I guess that means that I needs to buy muh-self a pistol, go to church, and slap some damn, dirty Mexicans and Negroes around.

The fact of the matter is is that you don't know me. You have no idea who I am. You know jack about where I grew up, under what conditions, or under what beliefs. There's no way in Hell that you know what's in my mind and my heart, yet that hasn't stopped you from making accusations. You're a fucking tool, plain and simple. You'll suck Obama's dick all the way to the general election and beyond. Until you realize that your fanaticism for Obama is no different the MEM's for Hillary, you will for always and forever remain a douchebag tool. And that's what's really truly sad about all of this.

Fuck you, you fucking tool

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."