True dat. She looked ridiculous.

However, I'd say Hillary will benefit marginally from last night's debate and to a greater degree from Obama's recent slip-ups. If she does not win Pennsylvania next week, probably even by a comfortable margin, it will be surprising. Unless Obama gets a bump coming out of North Carolina, Hillary may well win Indiana too.

That said, I think her performance last night also angered the people she needs most to win and, as a result, closing the deficit in the popular vote and pledged delegates still seems out of reach.

Frankly, for Hillary this may be a nomination not worth having at this point. She can only get it under conditions that are likely to embitter some of the youngest and most idealistic new Democratic voters, demoralize and anger black voters, and divide the party going into a general election race against a reasonably strong Republican candidate.

I don't know if there is anything to theory that Hillary is trying to ensure Obama's defeat in November, but it would make some sense.