Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts

he also called all middle class small town people racists in his "bitter" speech. if he has that view of small town people how can he govern them?

no, he talked about people in hard times turning to fear and xenophobia. and he expressed frustration at that, not contempt for those people.

plus you conveniently forgot he attended a church that spewed racism for 20 years, if a white guy attended klan rallies for 20 years and was running for presidency you wouldnt have an issue with this? of course you would, but you think this guy is different because he's promises it was a misunderstanding. gullible you are.

attending a "black" church where the guy gives speeches against the problems in the country is not the same as attending a klan rally, unless there is some quote where rev. wright encouraged lynching and harrassment of whites. expressing rage over feeling like you're a second class citizen is not racism.
i'm also sure there is more to rev. wright than that anger. and there is nothing i have seen from him that sounds even a tenth as bad as pat robertson or jerry fallwell.

Bow ties are coool.