Originally Posted By: thedoctor

So saying that it's the white government that put drugs in the black communities to keep them down isn't encouraging racial division? Entire sermons were devoted to increasing the social black/white divide. It's bullshit to say otherwise.

increasing the social divide? no. i don't think he had that kind of power. i think he did what any other preacher working on a sermon would do. he looked around the world, saw something that upset him, and wrote a speech about it which he delivered to his gathering at church. it's just yet another social commentary. do i care that he said god damn america when talking about racial issues? no. because blacks have been seriously fucked over in this country and i get the anger. unlike pat robertson or jerry fallwell he didn't (to my knowledge) advocate murder or blame a terrorist attack on abortions.

That's bullshit. It was just Obama trying to give some excuse why the little people that the Democrats say they're out to help won't vote for them without taking into consideration that the Democrat platform may not mesh with those people's lifestyles or beliefs. It's Obama and the Democrats who are bitter. People who 'hold on to their guns and religion' do so in the good times and bad. It's also a way to demonize those people as bigots when it concerns the immigration debate rather than looking at any other concerns that those people may have. In other words, Obama was marginalizing middle America because they won't vote for him.

so? he gave an excuse for something that disapointed him based on his own views of the situation. and he gave those views in private. what the fuck is the problem? he's human, he feels a certain way and expressed that to someone. just because he was tape recorded does not a scandal make. in fact, unlike hardline rightwingers, he at least put human feeling to the people that opposed him. he seemed to care and be frustrated that people weren't "getting it." but ultimately everyone who runs for office thinks they're onto something. are you really going to condemn obama for that?

Bow ties are coool.