Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Not necessarily so. If during the same time period Clinton picked up three superdelegates, but Obama picked up more than three, he is narrowing her lead.

Yeah that.

MEM, did you happen to read todays NY Times article? It's really fascinating reading. Clinton's gutter politics, which you still claim is also being done by Obama, as well as her sense of entitlement apparently is turning OFF the superdelegates far and wide and bringing them TO Obama..

Hopefully the end game will be that Hillary ends joining the Lieberman Party and takes Rahm Emmanuel and the rest of the DLC with her..

Are you saying Obama isn't doing the negative thing? I hate to break it to you but his talk about being above that sort of campaign is just talk. You don't have to search to hard to find one of his negative ads. There are even more after his poor debate performance. It's a wonder he didn't get whiplash from whining about Hillary's negative attacks to trying to one up her in output when the whining didn't work.

Hillary's not that bad Whomod. I think your getting too caught up in your candidate who isn't that bad either but he's not everything he's claiming to be.

Fair play!